Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Another New Neighborhood

Okay, here is another one to guess, but might be a bit tricky...especially because I have only one picture of birds here:
Here are the environs of these birds:

I have also seen a dark brown bird about the size of the curved-bill thrasher with an orange beak and orange around a dark eye, but it always flies off very quickly.  Here is that bird's neighborhood:
One final non-bird-related clue, which could be helpful if you know your fruits:

It's probably well-nigh impossible to guess where I am from this (unless you've been here and recognize the street or park)...it will get a lot easier a little later.  But I am pretty far from Michigan!


  1. What luscious fruit!! My first guess is Costa Rica. How close am I?

  2. Yes, I have eaten more fruit this week than probably the whole winter! Three kinds of bananas alone! (and there are many more)

    Costa Rica is the right direction...but keep going!
