Also snowy. The waves in the bay are no longer breaking on the shore, but about a hundred feet out, as the shallower parts of the bay have frozen over. A mountain range of icy peaks is developing out there along the edge, as the water crashes into the ice and sprays droplets down...kind of like those drip sand castles I used to make on the beach as a kid.
Two blue jays were at the feeder today, and then a tiny chickadee, so small by comparison! The male cardinal also made an appearance, as well as the white-breasted nuthatch and the red-bellied woodpecker.
I've started to wonder just what is in that feeder hanging out there, after reading the letter to the editor in which the writer detailed this, that, and the other bird food. I'm thinking perhaps if we expanded our feeders past one to include some suet and sunflower seeds, we might attract some new birds.
Stay tuned...
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