New birds at the feeder! One was easy to identify, even for a beginner like me: a cardinal! So lovely. The other was gray and white and small. I saw him heading down the underside of a nearby tree, head downward. From time to time, he looked up toward the feeder, maybe waiting for the cardinal to leave? He flitted over there but I could never get the camera on him in time to take a picture, even though I stood with the door cracked open and camera ready, freezing as the icy bay wind blustered through the crack. Just as I gave up, of course, there he was.
Here is the cardinal, in any case (he was more obliging):
So I'm actually not sure I didn't see two little gray birds: the white-breasted nuthatch and the tufted titmouse. I know these don't look anything like one another, but I think I saw both at different times. I will have to pay more attention to the beak next time.
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